Saturday, February 6, 2010

Guest Post

Great news everybody! I was recently given the opportunity to publish a guest post on my wedding blog and that is what I am doing right now as I write this guest post on my wedding blog. I am excited for this opportunity and also for my wedding to Anne on June 19th. And I really hope you can join us. In the meantime I am posting a picture of a spy mission Anne and I made by canoe to the Lake Union Crew, the location of our wedding, reception, and party.  See you there June 19th for my wedding to Anne.

Guest Blogger


  1. Dear Nels
    We were excited to read your splendid guest post about your wedding to Anne on June 19th.The wedding location looks awesome
    Danielle Chris Maddie and Josie

  2. Congratulations on your newfound success as a guest poster on your wedding blog! I enjoyed the spy mission information, but as a fellow spy, I am concerned you may have blown your cover by posting so much identifying information.
    Notwithstanding this spy misstep, I look forward to reading future guest postings by you should you be awarded this opportunity in the future.

    - Emily

    p.s. Hope you enjoyed the photos of the jellyfish I sent to you via the primary wedding blogger.
